The Treasures of King Croesus, located in Uşak in western Türkiye, are a world-renowned and highly valuable collection belonging to the ancient Lydian Kingdom. This treasure is attributed to King Croesus (Karun), who ruled in the 6th century BCE and was known as the last king of Lydia, famed for his wealth and splendor. The expression "as rich as Croesus" originates from him. The Treasures of King Croesus are considered a symbol of wealth and artistic mastery in the ancient world. The Lydian Kingdom is also historically significant for the invention of coinage, making this treasure an important emblem of economic and historical value. Exhibited in the Uşak Archeology Museum, the Treasures of King Croesus emphasize the historical and cultural significance of the region and offer visitors a glimpse into the grandeur of ancient Lydia. This remarkable collection, once smuggled to the USA, has now found its home back in Türkiye.
Taşyaran Valley (Taşyaran Vadisi) was formed as a result of water, wind and tectonic movements. The rocks covering the valley and taking on different colors starting from the ground look like a painter’s color palette. Gediz River (Gediz Nehri), nourished by the water of mountains in the interior parts of Western Anatolia, has created interesting formations in this part of the Gediz Basin, which includes Taşyaran Valley. The water has created a very special and geologically interesting canyon by eroding the rocks in the valley.