Taş Mosque
This Mosque is the most important building remaining from the Seljuk Period in Çankırı. The Darüşşifa (hospital) was built in 1235 and Darülhadith (the place where hadith sciences was taught) was built next to it in 1242. The Darüşşifa was completely destroyed because it was made of rubble stone, while the dâr-ûl hadis part, which is commonly known as Taş Mosque, could survive until today. During later times, one of the most important Mevlevi lodges of the period was built in the area, which also fell prey to the time. Another issue, which makes Taş Mosque important, in addition to its architectural feature, are the two pieces of stone, which depict figures. One is embedded on the structure, and the other has the form of a sculpture. The first piece, which is on the building, depicts two snakes winding around each other. This symbol is used as the “Symbol of Medicine” today. The second piece, which is still exhibited in the Çankırı Museum, shows a snake figure twined around a cup, which is used as the “Symbol of Pharmacy” today. It is known, that the Çankırı Mevlevi Lodge was situated next to the Taş Mosque. However, only photos remained of it. The Mevlevi Lodge and the Darüşşifa part, of which remains of its foundation were found, have been rebuilt in line with their originals.