Eğri Minaret
Eğri Minaret stands out with its resemblance to the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. Located in the city center of Aksaray, on Nevşehir Street, Eğri Minaret is one of the most important historical artifacts from the Seljuk Period. The minaret was named Eğri (Leaning) Minaret by the people because of its lean of 3° 11' degrees. It is also known as Crimson Minaret because of its red bricks. Eğri Minaret, one of the 13th century Seljuk artifacts, is dated to 1221-1236. The Egri Minaret, which has a balcony and 92 steps, is 30.6 meters high. It has always been wondered whether the Eğri Minaret has been built as leaning or it leaned later. According to the researches, the generally accepted opinion is that the Egri Minaret was made leaning by its master.