This Cookie Policy aims to inform users/online visitors regarding the cookies used on TGA's websites* and mobile websites in line with the following framework:


- cookie types, functions and duration of stay on the user device,


- for what purpose cookies are used,


- how third party cookies are used for advertising and retargeting purposes, and


- cookie management




Cookie Types



Types of cookies according to the duration of use: TGA uses session cookies and persistent cookies according to the duration of use on the website and mobile website. Session cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard disk for a long time.


Types of cookies according to the owner of the cookie or the party placing the cookie: "TGA (first party cookies)" and "third-party cookies" are used on the TGA website and mobile website  according to the party placing it. While TGA cookies are created by TGA itself, third party cookies are managed by third party companies with which we cooperate.


Types of cookies according to their purposes of use: According to the purpose of use on the TGA website and mobile website; necessary (technical) cookies, statistical cookies, targeting/advertising cookies are used.