Tyana Archaeological Site
The ruins and aqueducts are in the town of Kemerhisar (Dam Fortress). Kemerhisar takes its name from those very aqueducts, constructed to bring the spring water from the ancient Roman Pool to other places in the Roman Empire. The ruins are beneath a large portion of the town. Important sculptures and similar works from different areas of the town, along with artefacts and architectural remains unearthed during scientific excavations at the site, are exhibited in the Niğde Museum. Aqueducts in the city date from the 2nd and 3rd centuries; all are considered protected areas. Tyana, a place of settlement from the prehistoric age until the fall of the Hittites, was known as Tuwanuwa during the Hittite period; it served as the capital of the state in the late Hittite period and was ruled by the renowned king Warpalawa in BCE 738-715. It became known as Tyana in the Roman era.